From the top; shoes from Alexander Wang's f/w 09 collection. Grey, flat and buckled. FML. Emma cook for topshop, wich releases in August (The two bottom ones are going to be mine one day. They're weird but I'm weird so shut up). Last but not least; Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony. (You could get those at shopbop for an arm and a leg). Give them to me and I'll not hold a grudge towards you for the rest of my life..
I hate having such a keen eye for pretty things. Not only that but I know where to find everything.. I could do this in my sleep, seriously. I HAVE to win the lottery. I know what you're thinking, but there's nothing wrong with me. Hah! Ugh, going to bed now.
Source: Anywho, A fashion tale, Nitrolicious.